Sunday, January 3, 2010

Victorian Christmas Tree Christmas Poll: Which Way Do You Like Better?

Christmas poll: Which way do you like better? - victorian christmas tree

How do you prefer to decorate a Christmas tree?

Tree 1:
Garland in all colors, bright lights flashing, a Boxful certain ornaments of the family, taking on the Angels, skirts, tons of gifts, and.

Tree 2:
Silver & Gold Pineapple cinnamon, a little Godsey, teeth orange, a few bars chocolate mint, bells, a few bows, a solid string of white lights, string popcorn, cranberries, small train in the individual stars in the Nutcracker this page .. Top

Christmas is the "theme" more
A) Santa - trips to the mall, so cookies for the big man, a sleigh on the roof, given below, the list of the many under the tree, ham for dinner, etc.
B) Jesus - the church service on Christmas Eve, the crib on the farm in the vicinity is not done, the tree in the village "on" Epiphany "The story of Jesus, played by Turkey dinners, etc.
C) Victoria - songs, stories by the fire, gives each person for each person present, snowsledding, goose for dinner, etc.

Now ... This is aPart ... It is s not possible to match! I have to choose one or the other, not both, no, no, = P.

1 comment:

Jazzy Boy said...

I am a Jew, if the politically correct term is Hanukkah Bush

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